Saturday, May 3, 2014

All About Routers

Routers are indispensable nowadays and not very exciting. Most of us would rather do anything else but deal with them.

Actually your router should be set up by your internet provider. The last thing a provider should do is recommend a router he does not support.

Although I cannot get around to setup routers at least I can tell you how to do it yourself if you want to try. Otherwise hire someone else to do it.

So what is the router and what is it for?

The router is a box which attaches to your Internet connection on one side and outputs to your computers on the other side.

You do not need to spend a lot for a fine wireless router, but it is wise to select the newest or updates and older one to the latest so called firmware.

One of its most important functions is to provide a firewall. What is a firewall? A firewall prohibits access without your approval.

With Windows the absence of a firewall exposes you to all the security gaps of this operating system.

The box otherwise routes to your devices and controls traffic. Wireless routers are now standard.

The router needs to be positioned centrally to your devices and high.The wireless router then needs to be set up properly.

In order to do this, you need to program the router. Every router is different.

To accomplish this task you connect an internet cable between the router and your computer. On the router side you need to connect to one of the four adjacent receptacles.

You then need to access the setup screen. This is done by going to a browser and typing in the actual address of this device.

That address is rendered in numbers
The refers to the number of your particular router, found either on the router itself or in its documentation.

You then must login with a login name and password. These are specific to your particular router and are either described in the documentation or identified on the router itself.

You then are presented with the set up screen.

From here every brand of router is different.

Usually there is a basic setup screen which takes you through the setup process. There is also a screen to set up wireless.

For wireless you will need to set up a specific so called SSID and password to access your router and internet. You will then enter this information for each wireless device to connect it

When you do this, you will be asked which scheme to use for security. Use WPA and not WEP

If you make a mess of the setup, there is a reset button somewhere on the router so you can start over again.

One of the options on the set up screen is to update the firmware. This is a wise idea.

You do not need to understand all the parameters which can be set up.

The most important of these is UPnP which has some security exposures but is also essential for communications between certain devices. Start by inactivating it and then reactivate it later if and when you need it.

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